
Coming Soon! Luke Painter, PhD, author and College UMC Constituent will teach a 5-week course entitled ‘Investigating the Origins of Christianity’ based on his book, “Finding the Roots of Christianity.” Luke says “My aim was to help readers better understand the origin and meaning of the Christian faith and Christian Bible. I meant this to be the kind of book I was looking for when I was 19 and trying to understand these things.”

Classes will be held in the Fireside Room and begin at 6:30PM. Dates are October 10th and 24th; November 7th and 21st; December 5th with the possibility of one additional class. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex or you may leave a message of intent to participate at 541.929.2412. Cost is $15 which covers the cost of the book. Books will be available for purchase at the first class.

Sunday School
The Fireside Class, led by Tom Plant, starts at 9:00am (school year only). If there is a specific area of study that interests you, please talk with Pastor Duff. Please note classes run during the school year, and not in the summer time.

Tuesday Morning Ladies in the Fireside Room, 9:00-10:00AM or to whenever the last ones leave! Bring your own coffee, if you so desire.

Worship Music Practice @ 10am in the Choir Room/Sanctuary. If you, or someone you know, are interested in serving vocally or instrumentally in the worship ministry of our church, you’re welcome to join with us!

Tuesday Evening — Philomath Community Meal is free to anyone needing a meal and conversation. It starts at 6pm in the Social Hall and usually includes live music. Everyone is welcome!

October Birthday Bunch
Lilly Lambel (1st), Jason Daniels (7th), Susan Carter & Theodore Daniels (10th), Michelle Dedman & David Hackleman (15th), Natasha Hyde (19th, Dana Keese (22nd), Joyce Myers (23rd), and Lois. Best (31st).

Prayer Group
This group is open to anyone interested and is currently limited to our Prayer Chain group. Prayers are lifted up for the church, the community, world leaders and for specifically requested persons. Leave a message for Glenda Plant (541.929.2412) if you want to be part of this ministry.

Omelet Dinner, 5-7:00PM — Next Dinner: Friday, October 4, 2024! (No dinners in July or August)

Held the first Friday of each month (excluding July and August), the dinner began in 1987 as a means of funding parsonage property taxes. Dinners are open to the public. The meal consists of an omelet (made while you watch) with your choice of fillings (ham, green onion, green pepper, mushrooms, cheddar and/or Jack cheese), home-made scones, fruit and a beverage. If you are real hungry, sausage gravy and scones are available for purchase. Home-made desserts can be enjoyed for a donation

In April, omelets are replaced with our annual Spaghetti Dinner. The meal includes spaghetti, bread, salad and a beverage. Delicious, home-made desserts will be available for a donation. (Same time, same place — Social Hall from 5-7:00 PM)